Hamlet at Sydney Opera House

Entry tickets Wheelchair accessible

Opera’s greatest thriller is a taut tale of passion and betrayal, taking place over just 24 hours in Rome, performed at the Sydney Opera House.


  • Tosca has it all: romance, action and an unforgettable ending.
  • Marvel at the iconic architecture of the Sydney Opera House.
  • Choose from 5 different seating options.


Love. Jealousy. Betrayal. Renowned prima donna Tosca is in love with Cavaradossi, a painter and revolutionary. When the sadistic Chief of Police Scarpia tries to crush them, our heroine finds the strength to do the unspeakable. Puccini’s music is sensational: from the overpowering choral power of the famous Te Deum, Tosca’s ode to art ‘Vissi d’arte’ and the haunting tenor showpiece ‘E lucevan le stelle’ as Cavaradossi faces death. Tosca is the perfect first taste of opera, and one opera lovers return to again and again, to experience how music can bring great stories to emotional highs. Tosca has it all: romance, action and an unforgettable ending.


Ticket to Tosca.

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